Salt and Pepper Shrimp

Chinese Salt and Pepper Shrimp: Crispy, Flavorful, and Irresistible!

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! Today, I’m thrilled to share with you a recipe that will leave you craving for more: Salt and Pepper Shrimp. As an experienced chef and passionate food blogger, I’m excited to introduce you to this delightful dish that boasts a perfect balance of crispy textures and mouthwatering flavors. Get ready to embark on a culinary journey that will satisfy your seafood cravings!

Salt and Pepper Shrimp

Salt and Pepper Shrimp

Chinese Salt and Pepper Shrimp

Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! Today, I'm thrilled to share with you a recipe that will leave you craving for more: Salt and Pepper Shrimp. As an experienced chef and passionate food blogger, I'm excited to introduce you to this delightful dish that boasts a perfect balance of crispy textures and mouthwatering flavors. Get ready to embark on a culinary journey that will satisfy your seafood cravings!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Chinese
Servings 3 people
Calories 181 kcal


  • 1 wok
  • 1 small bowl
  • paper towels


  • 101/2 ounces medium-sized fresh shrimp deveined
  • 3 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 3/4 tablespoon ground Szechuan peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • Oil for frying
  • 3 garlic cloves finely chopped
  • Chopped coriander for garnish


  • Prepare the shrimp and pat dry with paper towels. Sprinkle cornstarch on shrimp and lightly toss to coat.
  • In a wok on low fire, lightly toast Sichuan peppercorn and salt until fragrant. Transfer to a small bowl and set aside.
  • Heat oil in wok until you can see waves on the surface. Fry shrimp in two batches, about 40 seconds to 1 minute per batch. Transfer shrimp to a plate.
  • Leave the oil in wok and sauté chopped garlic until aromatic. Return cooked shrimp to wok, turn off heat. Add salt and pepper and toss everything well.
  • Sprinkle with coriander land serve immediately.



To achieve crispy and succulent shrimp, start with fresh and deveined jumbo shrimp. Pat them dry to remove excess moisture, allowing the breading to adhere better. Create a simple yet flavorful coating by combining salt, pepper, and a touch of cornstarch. Gently toss the shrimp in the mixture, ensuring they are evenly coated. Deep-fry the shrimp until they turn golden brown and achieve that satisfying crunch.
Keyword Pepper, Shrimp

Cooking Tips

Salt and Pepper Shrimp

Creating the perfect Salt and Pepper Shrimp is a culinary journey that requires attention to detail, a love for flavor, and a willingness to experiment. Here are some tips that I’ve gathered over the years that might help you on your journey.

  • Choose Your Shrimp: The type of shrimp you choose can greatly affect the outcome of your dish. Fresh, medium-sized shrimp work best in this dish as they cook quickly and absorb the flavors of the seasoning well. However, if you prefer larger shrimp, feel free to use them. Just remember to adjust the cooking time accordingly.
  • Clean Your Shrimp Properly: Cleaning your shrimp properly is crucial to the taste and texture of your dish. Be sure to remove the vein along the back of the shrimp, as it can have a gritty texture. Also, consider whether you want to leave the shells on or off. Some people prefer to cook the shrimp with the shells on for added flavor.
  • Season Generously: Salt and Pepper Shrimp, as the name suggests, relies heavily on the flavors of salt and pepper. Don’t be shy about seasoning your shrimp generously. The right amount of seasoning will bring out the natural sweetness of the shrimp and give it a flavorful kick.
  • Use High Heat for Frying: To achieve the perfect crispy texture, fry your shrimp on high heat. This seals in the juices of the shrimp and gives it a nice, crispy exterior. Be careful not to overcrowd the pan, as this can lower the temperature and result in soggy shrimp.
  • Don’t Overcook Your Shrimp: Shrimp cooks very quickly, and overcooked shrimp can become tough and rubbery. As soon as the shrimp turns pink and opaque, it’s done. This usually takes only a few minutes.
  • Add Aromatic Ingredients: After frying your shrimp, consider adding aromatic ingredients like garlic, scallions, or chilies to the pan. These ingredients can infuse your shrimp with additional flavor and make your dish even more delicious.
  • Pair with a Simple Side: The robust flavors of Salt and Pepper Shrimp pair well with simple sides. Consider serving your shrimp with steamed rice or a light vegetable stir-fry.

Remember, cooking is an art, not a science. These tips are just guidelines – feel free to tweak them to suit your taste. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process. After all, the best dishes are made with love!

Serving Suggestion

Salt and Pepper Shrimp

Serving Salt and Pepper Shrimp is about more than just plating a dish; it’s about creating a culinary experience that delights all your senses. Here’s how you can turn a simple stir-fry into a feast for the eyes, nose, and palate.

  • Choose the Right Plate: The first step in serving Salt and Pepper Shrimp is choosing the right plate. A large, flat plate works best as it allows room for the shrimp and any sides without crowding. If you have traditional Chinese plates, even better! The white color of the plate provides a beautiful contrast to the vibrant colors of the dish.
  • Arrange Your Components: Start by placing a mound of steamed rice or noodles on one side of the plate. Then, arrange your Salt and Pepper Shrimp next to it. The key is to create a balance of colors and textures. The crispy, savory shrimp should be nestled against the bright, crisp vegetables, creating a visually appealing contrast.
  • Add Your Sides: On the other side of the plate, add your chosen sides. This could be anything from a small salad to some pickled vegetables or a bowl of soup. The goal is to complement the main dish and provide a variety of flavors and textures.
  • Drizzle with Sauce: If you’ve made extra sauce for your Salt and Pepper Shrimp, now’s the time to drizzle it over the dish. This not only adds an extra layer of flavor but also gives the dish a glossy, appetizing look.
  • Garnish: For a final touch, sprinkle some chopped green onions or cilantro over the Salt and Pepper Shrimp. This adds a pop of color and a fresh flavor that contrasts beautifully with the savory shrimp and spicy seasoning.
  • Pair with a Drink: To complete your meal, pair your Salt and Pepper Shrimp with a drink. A cold Tsingtao beer or a glass of plum wine complements the flavors of the dish perfectly. If you prefer non-alcoholic beverages, a hot jasmine tea or a chilled chrysanthemum tea would be a great choice.
  • Serve Immediately: Remember, Salt and Pepper Shrimp is best enjoyed hot, right after cooking. The warmth of the dish enhances the flavors and makes for a comforting meal.

Serving Salt and Pepper Shrimp is about more than just filling your stomach; it’s about taking your taste buds on a journey. So take your time, savor each bite, and enjoy the culinary adventure that is Salt and Pepper Shrimp!

FAQs about Salt and Pepper Shrimp

Salt and Pepper Shrimp

Can I use other seafood for Salt and Pepper Shrimp?

Absolutely! Feel free to experiment with scallops, squid, or even fish. Just remember, the cooking time may vary.

Can I make Salt and Pepper Shrimp less spicy?

Yes, you can adjust the amount of pepper in the dish according to your taste.

Can I substitute the shrimp in Salt and Pepper Shrimp?

While shrimp is traditional and adds a unique flavor to the dish, you can substitute it with other seafood like scallops or squid if needed.

My love for Salt and Pepper Shrimp goes beyond its delicious taste. It’s about how a simple dish can bring so much joy and satisfaction. Whether you’re making it for the first time or have been perfecting it for years, the charm of this dish never fades. So, here’s to many more culinary adventures!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this exploration into the world of Salt and Pepper Shrimp as much as I have. If you have any more questions or thoughts, don’t hesitate to reach out. After all, the joy of food is best when shared.